EdWeb.net is an online community to share information and resources, meet new collaborators, and provide professional development. On this social site you are able to connect to an existing community or form your own. Free webinars are offered on diverse issues in education. You can make your community as unique as you desire. The possibilities are endless with the tools provided, such as, blogs, discussions, document sharing, calendars, wikis, and live chats.
As Web 2.0 book states, some advantages of social networking are, but not limited to, are as follows: small groups can collaborate on projects: the site can be used to retain teacher notes, videos, podcasts, and other classroom activities; students can develop, collaborate, and retain their own efforts over time (Solomon & Schrum p 83). Not only are these beneficial to the entire class but especially to students with diverse learning needs. The social networking sites I joined demonstrate how using these tools can support teachers and students.
While exploring the social site of Classroom 2.0 I came across many strategies that would be helpful when working with diverse students. One of the articles that I particularly enjoyed was titled; SimpleWays to Reach Your Challenging Students, in this article was a simple list and procedures to assist the diverse learner. Some of the ideas are: conduct regular student reflections, use daily evaluations, no more phone calls about bad behavior, arrange a secret sign with a student that lets them know they need to stop a particular behavior.
The community I joined in EdWeb.net is a group of those interested in self-contained multi-graded classrooms. The students involved in this classroom have a wide range of needs academically, emotionally, and socially. This community aims to meet the needs of the diversity and difficulties of this type of classroom. Provided through this community are available resources, concepts, and supportive discussions and effective research connections.
I believe both of
these social networking sites provided a great opportunity to connect and collaborate
with specific communities to meet the needs of all stakeholders involved. The main goal of Classroom 2.0 and edWeb.net is to
inspire and support teachers together.
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