I was able to listen to the keynote speaker Kevin Honeycutt @kevinhoneycutt. He is an innovative and thought provoking influence in the educational technology community. During the day I was able to be in involved in five different sessions. The first session was with Logan McCammon @pocketlodge his session was the most entertaining. Dr. McCammon motivates learners through innovative instruction, using kinesthetic learning he connects to his learners. He encourages teachers to give the students the opportunity to express their learning through creativity. I can relate to this type of learning since I teach kindergarten. I really enjoyed the session, we learned how to flash mob and use music videos to promote learning in the classroom. The next session was “Using Cartoon and Meme Creation to Engage Students”. This motivating and engaging class provided free websites to involve students to demonstrate their knowledge through originality and inspiring ways. "The Google Art Project: Creating Critical Thinking and Artistic Behavior", was another session I went to. In The Google Art Project, the class discovered how to manipulate the site and connect students to museums around the world for cross-curriculum educational objectives. In "Holy Collaboration Batman: SMART Boards, Clickers and Tablets make Learning Fun"; the session explored new tools and strategies to engage students through collaboration. The last class I attended was, “Tell Me a Story” presented my Christine Ruder @jhox1. This session was very informative and provided meaningful tools to implement within an early/elementary classroom. The sites and applications that were presented are based on writing and storytelling. The sites and apps mentioned in the presentation are linked below.
Overall the experience at METC was awe-inspiring and motivating. I’m so excited to try the new skills and tools that were presented at the conference. I am just sorry that I could not attend all of the sessions. I definitely want to go next year!
It's great to hear you enjoyed this learning opportunity! Hopefully, you will be able to attend in future years.